Jumpstart Your Prosperity with My Free Money Magic Course!
This is an intensive three-week course designed to jumpstart your prosperity in a major way.
Many who have completed this course over the years have reported incredible success: authors have been published, actors have been cast in major roles, people have started new, lucrative businesses, and so on.
PMM is a very intensive three-week course. Be prepared to do much work. Don't worry, though—the work is much fun. However, you are not expected to maintain the same daily practice level after completing the course.
PMM was designed as a three-week "boot camp" in money magic. We are, in effect, building a magical prosperity machine that will help you consistently increase your wealth, health, and peace of mind.
Note: The Prosperity and Money Magic Course is designed to begin on a new moon, but you can start preparing beforehand. Review the handouts and listen to the lectures before the new moon arrives. Once the new moon begins, restart the course from the beginning and fully commit to each lesson—don’t just read and listen, but actively complete all the assigned work. This approach will help reinforce the material you’ve already studied and allow you to work the practical magic with greater clarity and focus, fully aligned with the energy of the lunar phase.
Oh, did I mention that there is no fee for this course? That's right! You may take the complete Prosperity and Money Magic course free of charge.
I anticipate hearing of all your great success!
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